
Sunday, February 28, 2010

We Are in the World

but not of it. It's a hard balance. Life is a balancing act. Being part of a world that is full of lying, sex outside of marriage, pride, and many other sins our flesh tends to crave can be very tempting to a young man or woman in any Christian home. They've been raised in a culture that is set outside of the world. Especially in the circles that I've been brought up in there was a clear distinction between our raising and the world.

And, then you see the world for who they really are. Satiating their flesh and not caring about anyone but themselves. And, to a certain extent it looks good to you. They aren't restrained by God's law. They appear happy.

And, then fast forward and look at the older men and women who are now sitting in rest homes who were the ones who satisfied their lustful desires. They're life has become nothing. They satisfied their wants and desires even though they were contrary to the law of God when they were young. But, now they sit tired and weary from a life filled with unrepentant sin and the hope of life is gone. There is nothing to look forward to. Their bodies have broken down and are no longer the things they once were. They're body is again turning into dust. And, what do they have to look forward to? An afterlife of eternal pain and torture.

Then, on the other side of the spectrum is those who lived a life filled with living for Christ. They're lives were always joy filled. They restrained their flesh and fought with the devil and now here they sit before crossing the river to see the glories that await them in heaven.

It's all about perspective. Can you see farther then the end of your own nose? Can you see the glory that awaits the saint who has fought the good fight and finished the race?

Tip of the day: When you focus on yourself all the little problems in life begin to feel like mountains. But, if you care about others, your problems will become much smaller and less significant. o.0