
Monday, February 22, 2010

Time is Precious

Each second is precious. Do you treasure the things you have alot of? Do you treasure the relationships in your life? Do you treasure the insulation inside the walls? Do you appreciate the soap next to the sink? I recently observed a movie where everyday items such as wipes or water were things many people died for. Yet, today we throw many of those things away without a second thought. But, as we get low on things such as water we are careful with every drop and try to preserve it till we need it. But, you can always get more water.

How about time? God has only given you so many years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Do you know how much time you have left? As a young person you feel you have your whole life ahead of you, but that reality can be shattered at any moment by any number of things. What do you do with those precious seconds God has given you?

Tip of the day: A to-do list with prioritization can do wonders. ^.^