
Friday, February 17, 2012

Sex Obsessed Culture

Almost every one of the top 100 songs on the charts involves sexual undertones. To rack up the views on Youtube, go find some woman with a bunch of cleavage and put it in your thumbnail. To make a successful box office movie make sure there's a bevy of sexual tension, whether the co-stars are 10 or 50. They have plenty of sex education for the 3rd graders. Skin shows up quite often on the magazines. Homosexuality is seen as normal and is often laughed at or even condoned by large entertainment establishments. For many people colleges, rather than institutions of learning, can breed a spirit of anonymity and a vagabond nature, creating many loose women, unless one is committed and accountable to a church fellowship. -   Pornography is all over the internet, seeping into everyone's homes. Or maybe it's just the movie you picked up from the local video store. How can this be healthy for a culture?

This culture is difficult for young men to live in and yet remain pure. (I know it's the same for women, but I'm a dude, so yeah.) Here's the thing. We have to. We're all sinners, and we're going to fall.  However, in the midst of sin, we need to live a life of repentance before God, leaving our sins at the cross, and rejoicing in the hope of His resurrection.  We have to cry out to God constantly, study His Word, stay accountable and get wisdom from older men. It's something that I don't do enough. And I can tell when I don't because that's when I struggle most. 

"Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry." ~ Colossians 3:5

People present solutions, quick fixes.  These quick solutions can be steps in the right direction, but ultimately, crying out to God is your best option. Learn to love what is pure. There are young ladies around me who don't stoop to seducing and tempting men to sin. Learn to love modesty. Learn to love the humble heart. Learn to admire purity. Learn to admire a woman who won't give her heart away to a guy who has no responsibilities to her.

"... the younger men as brethren; The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity." ~ 1 Timothy 5:1b-2

The thing is we're all sinners here. Don't kid yourself. We all struggle with lust, whether it be flesh, money, or fame. Even married people struggle. And we will all fail without the help of Christ. So cry out and turn from evil. 

"Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall." ~ 1 Corinthians 10:12 

And as a last thing, don't burn in your lust. "But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion." ~ 1 Corinthians 7:9.  Don't put off marriage for the wrong reasons!  Use biblical priorities.  Get a job and get married now, if you need to.  Whatever you do, don't give in to lust!  These physical desires are not bad; they just need to be put in the right context.

P.S. I wouldn't use 1 Corinthians 7:9 as the first line when attempting to court a woman. ;-P


Samuel Barton said...

Daniel, thanks for posting this, this post was really encouraging to me, and it's good to know that there ar other young men around me who are dealing with these same issues in a biblical way. It took courage to post something on this topic, and I thank you for doing it.

god bless.

Samuel Barton

Anonymous said...

So true, Daniel.

Our culture has tried to divorce sexuality from covenant and meaningful relationship. Ugly.

"Learn to love modesty. Learn to love the humble heart. Learn to admire purity. Learn to admire a woman who won't give her heart away to a guy who has no responsibilities to her."

Preach it, brother! So glad that you pointed that out.

The only way we are going to avoid sinful thoughts is if we think that purity is more valuable than physical gratification at any cost. And the only way to do that is to cultivate a love for purity.

Stand Fast,

Andrew R.