
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Enjoy the Journey - Day 253

Life is a journey. There are mistakes that are made. There are blessings that are had. There are trials that you walk through. Enjoying the journey is important. You can't whine about your place in life. You need to enjoy the place where you are at. Of course, be proactive. But enjoy it! Otherwise, you'll be a whiny stressed person. Don't think of yourself as being, "behind" someone else. Maybe you aren't married at 18 like some guy you know. You didn't make a million bucks by twenty-four, etc. Don't compare yourself with others. Don't stress because you aren't as smart, wise, and "successful." Enjoy life. Enjoy being with friends. Love others more. And love your God more. We serve a good God. All he does will work out for good. You don't need to stress about it. :-)