
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fog - Day 177

I can't see. Looking through the mist all around me I'm mystified by how little I can see, but I know so much is out there. I run faster to escape the fog. Panic sets in and I run frantically through the trees. I tear my clothes on the gnarly brambles in my haste. I wonder where to go. Where am I? Am I lost? It all looks the same. Was I here before? It all looks the same. Then I look up. The sunshine embraces my face and I feel the panic leave me, just like the darkness runs before the sunlight. I look back down around me and the fog is moving away quickly and quietly.

It's easy to get lost in the fog of life. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."~ Psalm 119:105

And I must say that today I'm thankful for the Word of God. I'm amazed at how not reading my Word for just one day can destroy me. The Word addresses every situation of life. I receive encouragement, reproof, wisdom, and oh so much more. I'm beyond grateful that God gave us his Word.