
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Humble Man

There once was a man who was the most humble of them all. He looked down on others from his lofty perch of ideas. He never sinned, and his life was perfect. That is, all except he was in the middle of a messy divorce and his anger issues were overwhelming him. But, he never sinned. It was always someone else's fault. His views on baptism, heaven, and head coverings were where he specialized. He was an expert. He knew what he was talking about in every area. He was never wrong and his life showed it. His wife was an idiot. His acquaintances were demons in disguise. His elders were fools. He read from the books of smart men. His life fell apart and he died in a ditch with alcohol on his breath. But, he was a humble man. The man who was never wrong or would admit it. At his funeral there were three. The minister, the gravedigger, and the casket maker.

Don't be a fool and follow after the ways of the smart men of today. Study the Word of God, listen to your elders, and read church history.