
Wednesday, June 13, 2012


There are many messed up people in this world. People who have been abused, those who have abused, those who are sexually destroyed, those who are liars, those who are murderers, etc. And I think at times we can give up on these people. Those who we are close to you who you spend lots of time with who hate God and any morals that Christianity requires can oftentimes be the most discouraging. But I think we need to remember that Jesus came for the murderers, adulterers, thieves, and the rest of the sins we commit. The thief who was dying on the cross next to Jesus was given salvation just before he died. There is always hope and there is strength in the blood of Christ.


sarah beth said...

:) Good to hear. I get the sense that many homeschoolers don't step outside their bubble.

Anonymous said...

I get the sense that many public-schooler christians don't step out of their bubble, either. They just let the world's bubble infiltrate theirs...