
Thursday, April 19, 2012

All About You

What is life about? Is it all about you? Is it all about how you feel? Is it all about how you prosper? 

Or is life about others? Is life about seeing others grow in Him? Is life about edifying others to be more like Him? I've found when I stop focusing on myself I work more. I stop clinging to my sins. I begin to cling to Christ. I begin to realize that I can't serve others without Him. I can serve myself all day long without Christ. But when I have to turn from being selfish to unselfish it doesn't come naturally without my doing it for Christ and because of my love for him he gives me the strength to love others.

We need to be laying down our life for others. "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." ~ Matthew 16:25 We need to be laying down our lives for Christ.