But when they leave, you recognize all they do. You feel their loss. You want to talk to them. You want to wake up and be able to say hello. And then say good night at the end of the day. You appreciate those little quirks that tend to annoy you, but now that they aren't there you miss it.
Yet, today divorce and families who never speak to each other are all too common. Is the saying false? Is it not true? Well, without Christ it isn't true. If it's all about you, why would you want others in your life? That absence will just make you fall more in love with yourself. The only reason you'll miss that person is because they are no longer washing your socks, or cooking you food, or bringing you money..
If we start with the heart that loves others, loves God, and serves, I think this saying is true. We will miss others for good reasons. We'll appreciate their little quirks and personality. And when they leave, our hearts have a little hole punched in them. But when they return, that hole is mended and we feel oh so much better.
Love God and Love Others.
Thank you Father for loving us, oh so much more than we deserve.
Picture of the Day #78:

How nice to be together again!! With lots of adventures to share, I'm sure :)
Wow Dan... Thanks! I love you and missed you too. Being absent definitely made my heart grow fonder. :)
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